The College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at the University of Baghdad organized, as part of the cultural season of the Department of Agricultural Machines and Equipment, a workshop attended by a number of department faculty members and students. The workshop was conducted by Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Abbas Jabr and was entitled “How to Examine Patents and Industrial Models Used in Drinking Water Filtration and Desalination.” It took place in one of the department’s halls.

The workshop aimed to review the history of industrial property in Iraq, as Iraq has a long history in the field of industrial property spanning over nine decades through industrial property laws. Iraq began legislating laws to protect patents, with the first law enacted in 1931. Additionally, the workshop highlighted the differences between discovery and invention, the meaning of patenting, and explained the conditions for patent granting according to Articles 1 and 2 of Instruction No. (3) of 2000 for Law No. 65 of 1970 as amended.

The workshop included scientific discussions related to the workshop’s topic, with the presence of several faculty members and students.

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