The Plant Protection Department at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad, organized a scientific symposium titled “Honeybee and the Challenges of the Present and Future” and a honey festival attended by the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Amira Mohammed Saleh, as well as several faculty members, staff members, and guests of the college.

The symposium addressed several topics, including a lecture titled “Honeybee Survival and Hypopharyngeal Glands Development Are Affected by Various Bee-Collected Pollen,” delivered by Prof. Mushtaq Talib Kareem from the College of Agriculture, University of Kufa. The second lecture was titled “Beekeeping Sector in the Face of Climate Change in Iraq,” presented by Dr. Montaser Sabah Al-Hasnawi, Director General of the Conference Palace. The final lecture, titled “Environmental Pollutants Facing Honeybees,” was delivered by Dr. Kamilah Ward Shaher from the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, Plant Protection Department.

The aim of the symposium was to shed light on the challenges facing the beekeeping sector in Iraq, propose solutions to address them, and come up with recommendations that provide solutions for the near future in line with the goals of sustainable development.

At the end of the symposium, certificates of appreciation were distributed to the speakers and organizers.

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