The College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad – Department of Machinery and Agricultural Machinery, in cooperation with the Continuing Education Unit, organized a scientific course entitled ” Risk Management in Scientific Laboratories and Methods of Treatment and Prevention” in the Physics Laboratory of Basic Science. The course included several lectures, where the first lecture was entitled (Care of extinguishers and methods of use in scientific laboratories), the second lecture was entitled (Management and prevention of biological risks in scientific laboratories), and the third lecture was entitled (Chemical risk management and treatment methods in scientific laboratories). The course dealt with a detailed explanation and appropriate training on the types of fire extinguishers, how to use them correctly, rapid control of fires, and limiting their spread. In addition to training participants on how to manage laboratory accidents of all kinds by promoting first aid concepts for the injured. Explained the biohazards in biological laboratories, safety levels, and how to manage their biological waste through the biosafety and biosecurity program. The course aimed to maintain the security and safety of students, academics, and all workers in scientific laboratories.

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