In the context of its commitment to social and environmental responsibility, the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at the University of Baghdad organized a large-scale tree planting campaign throughout its premises. This campaign is part of the college’s efforts to raise awareness about the importance of the environment and contribute to the preservation of the sustainable environment surrounding the campus.

This campaign was implemented with active participation from students, faculty members, and staff at the college. A variety of local and regionally suitable trees and plants were used for planting in designated areas.

The Dean of the College, Dr. Amera Mohammed Saleh, spoke about the significance of this campaign, saying, “We are striving to promote environmental awareness and conservation. This campaign is part of our ongoing efforts to transform the college and the university campus into green and eco-friendly spaces. We hope that this effort will contribute to improving air quality and the natural landscape at the college and the university, as well as providing comfortable and inspiring spaces for students and faculty.”

The students enthusiastically embraced this initiative and contributed their personal efforts to its execution.

Thanks to this campaign, the campus now undergoing an environmental and aesthetic transformation. This effort demonstrates the college’s commitment to social responsibility and motivates individuals to work together to enhance the environment and achieve sustainable development.

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