The Iraqi Society of Soil Sciences was founded in early 1997 specifically by holding its first founding electoral conference on 11 / 1 / 1997 during which the first administrative body of the association was elected, after a continuous effort by some enthusiastic gentlemen to establish this association. A group of fellow professors at the College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad took over this task and obtained the original approvals under the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research numbered 55 /2371 – Department of Research and Development dated 4 / 11 / 1996 This is in response to the application for incorporation submitted by thirteen of our colleagues in the specialty.

The elected administrative body elected the president, his deputy and secretary, and distributed other tasks to the other members according to the requirements and necessities of work in the association. The establishment of our association had historical necessities, the first of which was the developments of pedological sciences (soil science) in Iraq and the multiplicity of its specializations in various aspects of soil science, not to mention the increase in the number of specialists in the field of soil and water sciences and the multiplicity of work activities within the axes of this specialization.

Since the date of the establishment of the Society and until now, it is carrying out its work and striving to complete the achievement of its objectives proven in its internal system with the help of God and the vigor of its enthusiastic working members and the support of all specialists in soil sciences until the Society has become the real forum for all soil science specialists in Iraq and through its scientific activities that it has established and plans to establish in the future .

The association was able to actively employ its employees despite the limitations of work, foremost of which are the material capabilities, specifically financial resources, in addition to other factors. Despite this, the association was able to establish many activities, the most important of which are:

1 . Holding a scientific symposium entitled ” The Role of Soil Science in Increasing Agricultural Production and Improving its Quality” at the site of the College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad on 20 / 12 / 1997 and many distinguished researches were delivered in it.

2 . Holding a scientific symposium entitled ” The importance of soil technology in increasing agricultural production and improving its quality ” in which six lectures were delivered in two sessions and in various aspects of soil science.It was held at the hall of the Union of Arab Scientific Research Councils on 15 / 5 / 1999 .

3 . Holding a scientific symposium entitled “Balanced Fertilization for Sustainable Agriculture” in which six specialized lectures on fertilization and plant nutrition were delivered at the site of the College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad on 12 / 1 / 2002 .

4 . Obtaining the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the approval of the Ministry of Culture and InformationMedia Department According to its letter numbered 3078 in 6 / 7 / 2000 granting the concession to issue the ” Iraqi Journal of Soil Science ” and the first issue / first volume was issued in 2001 and deposit number in the Library and Documents 736 for the year 2002 and with an international number : 1817 -5872 :ISSN . Journals continue to be published since that date until volume 13 for the year 2013 .

5 . Obtaining approval for our association’s affiliation with the “World Soil Science Union” International Union of Soil Science and our association is one of the members of this association and has continuous communication with it.

6 . Achieving activities of openness to people with specializations in the various universities of the country and the rest of the other state ministries The number of members of the association reached more than 120 member and the number is constantly increasing .

7 . There is a headquarters of the association in the postgraduate studies building at the College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad in Abu Ghraib / Baghdad. They can be contacted by email[email protected] and by mobile number 07709185731 . With a postal address: Iraqi Society for Soil Sciences / Postgraduate Studies Building / College of Agriculture / University of Baghdad, Baghdad / Republic of Iraq.

The Iraqi Society for Soil Sciences publishes a refereed periodical scientific journal known as the Iraqi Journal of Soil Sciences and is issued in an annual volume and in two issues and according to the number of research submitted to it as a specialized journal concerned with soil and water topics.The journal publishes original scientific research in various disciplines of soil and water sciences in Arabic and English.

Editorial Board

Chairman and Secretary of the Editorial Board

Prof.Dr. Mahdi Ibrahim Odeh Tamimi

Editorial Board Members

Prof.Dr. Salman Khalaf Issa

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Saleh Muhaimeed

Prof.Dr. Abdullah Hussain Al-Sheikhli

Prof.Dr. Farid Majeed Abdel Attar


Prof.Dr. Radi Kazem Al Rashdi

Prof.Dr. Hamdallah Suleiman Rahi

Prof.Dr. Ismail Khalil Al-Samarrai

Prof.Dr. Abd Salman Jabr Al-Lami

Assist.Prof. Iman Abdul Mahdi Aliwi

Assist.Prof. Abdel Halim Ali Suleiman

Deployment instructions

The Iraqi Journal of Soil Science accepts solid research in all branches of soil science and what is directly related to it, and also accepts research in Arabic and English and sends three copies for each research to the editorial board of the journal.

I . Configure the search for publication:

article organization : title, names and titles of authors, abstract, introduction, materials and methods of work, results and discussion, references, thanks and appreciation, abstract in English if the research is in Arabic and vice versa if it is in English.

1- Title: Be concise and expressive of the research.

2- Names of researchers : The first and last names of each researcher are written and the name follows the title of each researcher’s work.

3- Abstract: Includes a clear summary of the research and follows the names and addresses of the researchers directly.

4- Introduction : It includes a review of the relevant information contained in the scientific references and ends with the objectives of the study and its rationale.

5- Materials and methods of work : Detailed working methods are mentioned if they are new, but if they are published, they are mentioned in a brief form with reference to the reference and the units of the global system (SI)and familiar abbreviations.

6- Results and discussion: The results and discussion are presented in a concise and meaningful manner and in a sequential order. The results are presented in the best expressive way, and tables and figures are placed on separate pages and placed directly in their designated places in the body of the research after referring to them. The Arabic numeral system is used in research sent for publication. The discussion of the results is a brief expression of the results obtained and their interpretations.

7- References: The work referred to in the text bears the names of the authors following the year of publication, for example: Ahmed (1999), and in the case of more than two, the last name of the first researcher is abbreviated followed by the word et al. and the year of publication, for example: Muhammad et al. (1980).

The references at the end of the text are arranged according to the alphabet of the first researcher of each research. Each research mentioned includes: the full names of the researchers, the year of publication, the full title of the research, the name of the journal, the volume number, and the pages covered as in the order mentioned, for example: Allawi, Badr Jassim, and Rahman Hassan Aziz (1990): Water needs or needs for maize by spraying and spraying during the spring and autumn season in the Hammam Al-Alil area. Journal of Mesopotamian Agriculture. 15(1):35-60.

8- English abstract: must be complete and fully expressive of the research. It does not necessarily have to be a literal translation of the Arabic abstract. The English article ends with an Arabic extract.

Second – Review the editorial board and output the research

1- All research sent for publication in the journal is subject to a scientific evaluation of at least two evaluators interested in the topic to be published. The evaluators’ notes and the editorial board’s notes are sent to the researcher without mentioning the names of the evaluators. The delay in returning the revised version will delay the acceptance date of the research and possibly the issue in which it will be published.

2- One revised copy of the research should be sent to the journal printed in MicrosoftWord on paper size A4 good quality attached to a copy of the research stored in a laser diskCD .

3- The title of the research shall be printed in capital letters and with a distance of 4 cm from the top edge of the first page, balanced around both sides of the page and with a single space.

4- The number of research pages should not exceed 20 pages.

publishing fees

The association adopts a self-financing method in publishing its magazine, so the publication fees are subject to price changes and the cost of publication.

Publishing fees inside Iraq are: 90,000 Iraqi dinars for each research, of which 25,000 Iraqi dinars are fees for evaluation. As for the publication fees for research from outside Iraq, it is $ 60 per research.

annual subscription

inside Iraq

Institutions 25000 IQD per copy

persons 20000 IQD per copy

Active members renewed their subscription 15000 dinars for each copy

outside Iraq

Enterprise : $30 per copy

people : $20 per copy

Journal Title:

Iraqi Society for Soil Sciences

Graduate Studies Building/Faculty of Agriculture

Abu Ghraib/Baghdad/Republic of Iraq

[email protected] Journal Email:

00 (964)7709185731 mobile:

ISSN: 1817-5872 ISBN:

Deposit number in the House of Books in Baghdad: 736