As part of the approach of the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening to achieve sustainable development goals, under the auspices of Professor Dr. Wafa Ali Hussein, the head of the Department, and within the framework of scientific collaboration between the Ministry of Agriculture and educational institutions, Dr. Miada Tarek Alwan, a lecturer in the Department, in collaboration with researchers from the Plant Protection Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Farqad Mohammed Al-Dabbagh and Ms. Iman Wahab Abbadi, succeeded in designing a comprehensive propagation program for cultivating the Paulownia plant outside its natural habitat. The Paulownia plant is characterized by its high ability to recycle agricultural soil pillars, improving soil fertility while reducing soil, water, and air pollution with heavy metals and other pollutants. In addition to the Paulownia tree’s ability to resist harsh weather conditions and fluctuations, it provides suitable climatic conditions for the growth of other plants beneath it, thus maintaining ecological balance and increasing the importance of its cultivation and spread.

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