The College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences announces to start of applying for scholarships for non-Iraqis students to obtain scientific academic degrees / Bachelor’s degrees in the agricultural engineering sciences for non-Iraqis 2023-2024, with 50 academic seats. The application will be in the following departments:

Department of Animal Production ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Gardening ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Extension and Transfer of Agricultural Technologies ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Agricultural Economics ( 5 academic seats)

Department of Field Crops Sciences ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Machinery and Agricultural Machinery ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Plant Protection ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Food Sciences ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources ( 5 academic seats )

Department of Desertification Combat ( 5 academic seats )

To view the application form and applying electronically, please click on the following link: