Within the framework of academic scientific cooperation between the colleges of the mother university and its scientific institutions, and in pursuit of the goals of sustainable development in quality education, a group of faculty members and students from the College of Education for Pure Sciences/ Ibn Al-Haitham conducted a field visit to the laboratories of the Date Palm and Dates Research Unit at the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences at the University of Baghdad. The delegation was briefed on the most important devices in the tissue culture lab and the genetic fingerprinting, with a detailed explanation of tissue culture stages, components of suitable nutrient media, sterilization conditions. Additionally, the faculty members were informed about the stages of DNA extraction and transfer, and a brief overview of PCR device operation by the unit’s researchers. At the end of the visit, the delegation extended their heartfelt thanks to the college’s deanship, represented by its dean, Professor Dr. Amira Mohammed Saleh.

We wish everyone success and continuous contributions.

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