Esraa Shihab Hamad from Department of Animal production successfully defended her PhD. work with the title (Genetic Polymorphism of the Alkaline Phosphatase (AIP) Enzyme Gene and Its Impact on Some Productive and Physiological Traits of Broiler Chickens.”)
The study aimed to investigate the effect of the genetic polymorphism of the ST3GAL4 gene on the productive and physiological traits of broiler chickens from the ROSS308 strain, as well as to study the effect of the genetic polymorphism of the alkaline phosphatase (AIP) enzyme gene on productive traits, carcass characteristics, and physiological efficiency.
The study concluded that birds with the GG genotype recorded significantly higher live weight at 42 days of age, while the AA genotype showed superiority in weekly weight gains during the final weeks, highlighting the positive influence of the A allele on growth.